Building Brands and Agencies: Joel Padron's Unique Perspective

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Guest: Joel Padron, COO and Partner at Homestead Studio

Key Points:

1. Joel's career path: From finance to meme pages to e-commerce
2. Transition from brand to agency work
3. Importance of operations in scaling agencies
4. Financial approach to brand management
5. Three stages of scaling: Action, Systems, Optimization


- Joel's experience with influencer marketing and building e-commerce brands
- Insights on the differences between working for a brand vs. an agency
- The critical role of operations in agency growth
- Importance of understanding financial metrics for brand success
- Discussion on building systems and optimizing processes in business

Management Insights:

- Creating a new layer in the organizational structure with team leads
- Providing context to team members for better decision-making
- Articulating clear, tangible company goals
- Breaking down goals into departmental objectives
- Aligning projects with high-leverage activities

Closing Thoughts:
Joel emphasizes the importance of reverse engineering goals and providing team members with the necessary context to make informed decisions. He stresses the need for clear articulation of company objectives and their breakdown into actionable departmental goals.

Creators and Guests

Rabah Rahil
Rabah Rahil
CMO @FermatCommerce | Prev @TripleWhale. Live in Austin. Marketing, Tech, Outdoors, Photography, Sneakers and Stoicism.
Joel Padron
Joel Padron
COO // Partner at Homestead 🏡 | prev: CROSSNET
Building Brands and Agencies: Joel Padron's Unique Perspective
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