EP013: Simran Sandu | Host of Our Future Podcast

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The conversation explores the use of AI in content creation and the impact on creativity and authenticity. The hosts discuss the challenges and benefits of short-form video content and the importance of storytelling and video progression. They also touch on the value of different social media platforms and the role of AI in advertising.

The conversation concludes with a discussion on the future of AI in content creation and the importance of human curation and taste-making.

In this conversation, the hosts discuss the future of AI-generated music and the importance of the artist's personality in the music industry. They also explore the role of content creation in B2B companies and the effectiveness of paid media in B2B SaaS marketing. The conversation highlights the need for experimentation, individuality, and perseverance in achieving excellence.


AI tools can be useful for generating ideas and automating workflows in content creation, but there is still a need for human creativity and authenticity.

Short-form video content requires careful attention to storytelling and video progression to engage and retain viewers.

Different social media platforms have different strengths and audiences, and it's important to consider the goals and target audience when choosing where to focus content.

AI can be a valuable tool in advertising, but it's important to use it in a meaningful and tactful way that aligns with the brand and maintains a human connection.

Taste-making and human curation will continue to be valuable in content creation, as they provide originality and authenticity that AI cannot replicate. AI-generated music is becoming more popular, but the artist's personality will still be a crucial factor in attracting fans.

Content creation is essential for B2B companies, as it allows for exponential growth and long-term impact.

Paid media may not be as effective in B2B SaaS marketing, and a focus on content creation can lead to better results.

Excellence is a function of grit, discipline, commitment, and knowing when to pivot or call it quits.

Sound Bites

"Pop culture will always be the big thing, right? So you want to find topics that are just relatable to big audiences."

"Every single line should be adding new kind of context. And at the end of the day, you're telling a really good story, hopefully, right?"

"If I'm a DTC company and all I care about is getting more sales, then I'm probably leaning into TikTok Shop, right? Because that is the platform amplifying commerce right now."

"It's reflective of all your past experiences, all your interactions that you're having, new information that is coming in. And then you let your subconscious go to work and come up with something really unique."

"I think that's where music is gonna head is it's gonna be more about the person than the art."

"Every B2B company will have a content creator on their staff."

Creators and Guests

Rabah Rahil
Rabah Rahil
CMO @FermatCommerce | Prev @TripleWhale. Live in Austin. Marketing, Tech, Outdoors, Photography, Sneakers and Stoicism.
Simran Sandhu
Simran Sandhu
Co-founded a media company and sold it to @morningbrew | Host of Our Future Podcast
EP013: Simran Sandu | Host of Our Future Podcast
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